Designer’s Choice Arrangement
With our Designer's Choice arrangement, your loved one will receive a custom arrangement uniquely created with their preferences and personality in mind.
Live Intentionally
We get so wrapped up in meaningless moments that we often forget to live intentionally.
Spring Flowers
Here are some of our favorite spring flowers at Fantasy Floral
Deliveries and Delivery Fees
Our deliveries and delivery fees reflect our attention to detail and a desire to make sure each arrangement and customer is cared for.
Valentine’s Day Flowers
Ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears! I'm going to share with you the best way to impress your significant other with Valentine's Day flowers. It's as easy as one, two, three! One Call your local family-owned florist! Family-owned businesses always have
Toys for Tots
Fantasy Floral is currently accepting donations for Toys for Tots through December 10th
Local Flowers Lend a Unique Signature Look
At Fantasy Floral, Wednesday is our favorite day of the week. It’s the day we receive our order from Old Dominion Flower Cooperative! The cooperative was formed at the end of 2020 and already has over 20 local flower farmers.
Plants and Flowers Toxic to Pets
Pets are truly our best friends. Whether it’s a dog excitedly bounding towards you to play or warm cuddles from a cat after a long day, our furry friends always know just what we need. However, lots of animals also
A Day in the Life of a Flower Shop Worker
I started in January to help out with Valentine’s Day but loved it so much that I kept coming back to work at Fantasy Floral flower shop!